Analysis of the influence of alcoholism and smoking on male fertility


  • Naan Rodrigues Goncalves Professor de Histologia e Embriologia das Faculdades Integradas Aparício Carvalho - FIMCA
  • Francisca da Luz Dias



infertility, alcoholism, tobacco.


Male infertility is caused by factors that block or alter spermatogenesis. Alcoholism and smoking affect sexual quality and conception capability in men and may cause the development of fertility problems. The objective of this study was to evaluate, through a semen examination whether or not alcoholism and smoking affect semen quality. Semen from 45 volunteers divided into 03 groups were analyzed: 1. Control Group 2. Alcohol Consumer Group and 3. Alcohol and Tobacco Consumer Group. The test results were normal, but the control group showed results superior to the other two groups. In a significance comparison the Alcohol Consumer Group had an motility lower than the control group (p < 0.05) and normal motility, morphology, vitality, spermatic concentration and concentration by volume ejaculated (p > 0.05). Results were not significant (p > 0.05) between the Control Group and Alcohol and tobacco Consumer Group. But the Alcohol and tobacco Consumer Group obtained a lower spermatic concentration than the Alcohol Consumer Group (p < 0.05). The test reveals important information about the possible alterations that alcohol and tobacco can have on vital semen characteristics that are relevant to men susceptible to infertility.

Author Biographies

Naan Rodrigues Goncalves, Professor de Histologia e Embriologia das Faculdades Integradas Aparício Carvalho - FIMCA

Francisca da Luz Dias



How to Cite

Goncalves, N. R., & Dias, F. da L. (2016). Analysis of the influence of alcoholism and smoking on male fertility. Scientia Plena, 12(7).