Evaluation of steel fibers addition in fluid concrete subjected to tensile stress


  • Fernanda Alves Pinto Góis Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Aline da Silva Ramos Barboza Universidade Federal de Alagoas




Reinforced Fiber Fluid Concrete. Steel Fibers. Tensile Stress in Diametric Compression.


The development of new technologies for the production of concrete, over the time, have contributed to increase its compressive strength, improve workability and to ensure durability for structures executed with the same. Despite its many advantages and improvements achieved, the concrete when applied in situations which arise tensile stresses shows limitations related to its brittle behavior. An alternative to overcome this problem is to use dispersed fibers immersed in the concrete, thus creating a composite material with different characteristics from the original material. In order to collaborate in analysing the added fiber efficiency, this paper deals about the behavior of steel fibers reinforced fluid concrete when tensile stresses is applied, considering fiber aspect relation form and  volume fraction the influence  parameters. For this evaluation, we used cylindrical specimens, dimensions of 10 cm x 20 cm, considering 0.4% and 0.8%, related cement weight, to steel fibers addition and relation aspect form of 33, 50 and 80. Tensile tests by diametrical compression was done and it was possible to say that steel fiber reinforced fluid concrete is more efficient when tensile stress is applied with larger relation aspect form and greater volumetric fraction, it tends to be more efficient in response concrete subjected to tensile stress.

Author Biographies

Fernanda Alves Pinto Góis, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Professora Assistente da área de Tecnologia do Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal de Sergipe. Tem experiência na área de Engenharia Civil, com ênfase em Construção Civil e Estruturas de Concreto, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: concreto com fibras, concreto auto-adensável, novos materiais e materiais compósitos.

Aline da Silva Ramos Barboza, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Professor associado da Universidade Federal de Alagoas, e desenvolve pesquisas nas linhas: mecânica das estruturas, estruturas de concreto (moldado no local e pré-moldado), coordenação modular e habitação de interesse social. Centro de Tecnologia.



How to Cite

Góis, F. A. P., & Barboza, A. da S. R. (2015). Evaluation of steel fibers addition in fluid concrete subjected to tensile stress. Scientia Plena, 11(11). https://doi.org/10.14808/10.14808/sci.plena.2015.113306



1º Seminário de Engenharia Civil