Bromatological characterization of physic nut presscakes


  • Claucia Aparecida Honorato Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados – UNIGRAN,
  • Cesar José da Silva EMBRAPA Agropecuária Oeste


biodiesel, agroindustrial waste, Jatropha curcas L.


This work aims to evaluate the Bromatological characterization of physic nut presscakes in natura and subjected to the process of detoxification. We used FPM- physic nut presscakes, FPMd- physic nut presscakes detoxificated, FPDa- physic nut presscakes detoxicated and autoclaved. These products have been analyzed as to their levels of moisture, crude protein, ether extract, ashes, carbohydrate, metabolizable energy, free amino acids, increments of dietary fibers and crude protein and mineral quantification. The results of qualitative characteristics analysis of presscakes of physic nut demonstrate differences in their composition as the processing applied to detoxification. The levels of crude protein and free amino acids were lower in sharps subject to the detoxification. The detoxification process resulted in an increase of fiber available. Mineral makeup also introduced changes in the presscakes of physic nut detoxification. It is concluded that the process of detoxification of presscakes of physic nut promoted pie increase in the levels of carbohydrates, lipids and fibers. 

Author Biographies

Claucia Aparecida Honorato, Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados – UNIGRAN,

 Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados – UNIGRAN, Faculdade de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Medicina Veterinária, Rua Balbina de Matos, 2121 – Jd. Universitário CEP 79.824-900, Dourados-Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil

Cesar José da Silva, EMBRAPA Agropecuária Oeste

EMBRAPA Agropecuária Oeste, Laboratório de Plantas Oleaginosas, BR 163, km 253,6 - Caixa Postal 449, CEP 79804-970 - Dourados-Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil



How to Cite

Honorato, C. A., & da Silva, C. J. (2013). Bromatological characterization of physic nut presscakes. Scientia Plena, 9(9). Retrieved from