Physico-Chemical evaluation and nutritional of Macrobrachium Olfessi in natura and salted cooked forms


  • Rosângela Maia dos Santos Universidade Federal de Sergipe


shrimp, “Saburica”, chemical analysis and physical-chemical, nutritional value


The Macrobrachium olfesii, commonly known as "Saburica" is a small shrimp that is found in the Lower San Francisco has low commercial value, being quite consumed by the local population. To date there is no scientific and technological, for this species to subsidize an industrial use. This study aimed to evaluate the physical and chemical composition of this species in the forms in nature (whole and fillet), and baked in the form / salt commonly found at fairs and markets. Samples of shrimp "Saburi" after collected in polystyrene were conducted at the Laboratory of Technology and separated into three batches of 500g each: I - fresh whole shrimp; II - fresh shrimp, peeled and headless (fillet) and III - salted shrimp cooked, headless and subjected to chemical analysis and physical-chemical properties.: The Lot III showed high content of protein, ash and chlorides and lowest moisture content and Aw, which justifies their preservation and marketing fairs at room temperature. As for total volatile bases such as freshness index, all lots showed results within this species are considered high, reaching above 7.73, while the water activity was 0.98 for fresh specimens I and II and 0.75 for treatment III and Calories kcal/100g was 111.6, 110.93 and 242.12 kcal/100g kcal/100g respectively. The fillet yield was 26%, while we obtained 51.10 and 21.30% for head and shell, respectively.

Author Biography

Rosângela Maia dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Rosângela maia possui mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe (2010). Atualmente é professor da Prefeitura Municipal de Aracaju.Estuda, atualmente, licenciatura em matemática pela UFS.Tem experiência na área de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, com ênfase em Engenharia de Alimentos, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: mangaba, produtos reestruturados, embalagem, armazenamento, refrigeracao e desenvolvimento de novos produtos de pescado



How to Cite

dos Santos, R. M. (2011). Physico-Chemical evaluation and nutritional of Macrobrachium Olfessi in natura and salted cooked forms. Scientia Plena, 7(10). Retrieved from