From Plan Inca to Plan Verde: Peru in a nationalist military dictatorship to a neoliberal civil dictatorship (1968-2000)


  • Vanderlei Vazelesk Ribeiro Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Unirio)


History, Peru, Dictatorship


This paper outlines a panorama of political life in Peru in the last decades of the twentieth century. Initially we discuss the military coup that in 1968 implemented a nationalist regime, which among other measures, started a profound agrarian reform. Subsequently we analyze the second phase of the regime marked by increasing repression and by cutting public expenditure. In the second part of the article, we evaluate the democratic experiment of the 1980s affected by the economic crisis and the armed struggle launched by the “Sendero Luminoso” insurgency. Finally, in a few lines, we discuss the rise and fall of Alberto Fujimori and its neoliberal dictatorship.



How to Cite

Ribeiro, V. V. (2014). From Plan Inca to Plan Verde: Peru in a nationalist military dictatorship to a neoliberal civil dictatorship (1968-2000). Scientia Plena, 10(12). Retrieved from



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