Modeling the rainfall-runoff process by the Tank Model and artificial neural networks in the Japaratuba river basin, Sergipe


  • Alcigeimes B Celeste Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Thiago Menezes
  • Vanderlan Fontes


rainfall-runoff modeling, Tank Model, artificial neural networks


This paper deals with the application of the conceptual Tank Model and the data-driven artificial neural networks approaches to simulate the rainfall-runoff process in the catchment area of the Japaratuba river, Sergipe. A four-tank setup and eleven types of neural networks are tested. The results indicate that seven neural models are more efficient than the Tank Model, but that the latter also achieves suitable performance.

Author Biography

Alcigeimes B Celeste, Universidade Federal de Sergipe



How to Cite

Celeste, A. B., Menezes, T., & Fontes, V. (2014). Modeling the rainfall-runoff process by the Tank Model and artificial neural networks in the Japaratuba river basin, Sergipe. Scientia Plena, 10(7). Retrieved from